
The exchanges, mainly interdisciplinary, involve fundamental themes such as applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfers and process engineering.

The research carried out has a strong resonance with major areas of application from the point of view of the environment or the needs of populations: energy storage, civil engineering, transport of contaminants in aquifers, use of the subsoil as a energy vector, anti-pollution, renewable energies, agri-food and health, materials.


The communications (oral, posters) of JEMP2025 will be divided into the following themes:

  •     Numerical modeling of flows in porous media
  •     Multiphase – multicomponent systems
  •     Mechanics of porous media: deformation, rupture, damage
  •     Behavior of complex fluids in porous media
  •     Characterization and dynamic imaging of porous media
  •     Biological porous media
  •     Multiscale, nano and microporous fibrous media
  •     Mechanical, chemical and thermal couplings between fluids and matrix in porous media
  •     Reactive transport modeling
  •     Scaling methods
  •     Numerical methods for porous media
  •     Particulate and colloidal transport in porous media
  •     Molecular modeling for porous systems
  •     Microfluidics and nanofluidics


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